

Dealer inquiries welcome
Please click here to contact us : info@cc-editions.fr


Please support your favorite dealer and buy directly from him.


If you really don't have another choice, you can buy directly from us with the following links. The public price of Haiku is US$ 45.00. If you buy directly from us whith Paypal, we have to add a 6% fee to cover Paypal fees and Paypal weird exchange rates. The postage for America (USA, Canada, Central America, South America) is US$ 28.00. The postage for Asia and Australia is US$ 30.00. The postage for Europe is US$ 18.00.

Paiement for America :

Paiement for Asia and Australia :

Paiement for Europe :


Design Hersand - © C.C. Éditions, juin 2007 - juin 2010.